Dear Partners

Our needs

1.We need  sponsors to pay our children school fees , we are in a very poor community where parents  cannot or find it very difficult  to pay school fees for their children  , more 100 children need this help in our community, we would very happy if you can share our this our children  needs ,with churches , companies ,organization and individual s

Our school fees per year  per child is 200 euro yearly

2. We have Bible classes for children in our community for over 200 children  ,our need for the bible is feeding and materials  , we need help or sponsors that can sponsor a child with 10 euro monthly



This is a huge project , our passion is to  Gambia children tbe save , therefore we have a ministry to school call INTERNATIONAL PRAMARY SCHOOL FELLOWSHIP. the goal of this program is  to establish Christian fellowship in all primary schools in the Gambia

We have MOU  with ministry of Education of the Gambia  to provide Christian teachers for all schools in region one ( I will attached  a copy of the agreement to this letter.)

We need churches , companies , organizations and individual to healp us to reach our goal

You can help in any of these two ways

a.     By sponsor  a bible teacher  for school or 100 euro monthly

b.     You can also help be sending us Christians teachers from you country , for monthly , quarterly (per team which is 3 months ) or yearly( 9 months period)   . This will create a big open doors for schools evangelism in the Gambia .

If you need more details about this outreach program ,we are available .

 Thanks ,looking forward to hear from you sir

Lawrence Ihans

Your In Christ